As the saying goes, "experience is priceless". In today's stock market,you want a team that has decades of experience, those that know the ins and outs of the market whether it is rising, falling or trending sideways.
Take for example: For the past several weeks, the S&P had been “stuck” in a resistance zone between 3234 and 3238. It had attempted to break through this zone several times:

Yet, it failed to do so. For many,it was VERY frustrating. The market was stuck in neutral.
For us, we waited...patiently...then POUNCED once we spotted opportunity!
This morning, in our Option Trader program, I called out to go get in the market at 4,238 for a quick trade. We bought the SPY 424 calls and made 20% in less than 5 minutes:

As you can see the value of experience is indeed...priceless!
Where else can you make 20% or more in less than 5 minutes (legally haha)?
Our Option Trader program can teach you how to do this!
With our program, we teach you:
What indicators to use
How to spot setups
How to trade options
How to trade for a living and make extra income each week.
We also send trade alerts on what we are doing and when