For the past several years, we have been using an option trading strategy that allows traders to make money no matter which direction the market is heading.
Up days: Use call options to magnify gains as market continues the trend upward
Down days: Use put options to magnify gains as market continues the trend downward
We teach the exact indicators and how we spot opportunity along with a consistent winning approach to the markets. Our success rate typically exceeds 80% and we have been able to generate gains in excess of 50%+ per month.
We have a couple of ways for you to join us:
Monday through Friday TRADE ALERTS along with the TRADE ROOM where you watch us trade live via zoom. We provide the play by play on what we're buying along with our entries, exits, and where we are placing sell targets. This is $2499 per year.
Tues/Thursday TRADE ALERTS. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we send out trade alerts prior to market open along with specific instructions on the trade we plan to enter. We also provide sell targets and where to place your stops as well.
We also add bonus trades on some of our favorite stocks and ETFs. Typically, a trader can pay for a whole year's worth of subscription fees with a trade or two (depending on how much you are trading on a daily basis. Get our training and learn how to trade for a living! These programs are prefect for those who need additional or full-time income.